Music Video Copyright November 2021
by Charles Adrian Trevino

Hello there, and welcome to the latest  Free Music Video Page  and of course, de rigueur, another rude, depressingly informative but still free (I'm just too nice)  narrative to command your attention for a little while.  As you may already know, these narratives enthrall your senses, stimulate your mind, and then chill you to the bone, real horror-show stuff -- as has become my depressingly informative custom of late.  Please don't think I enjoy this morbidity!  I would much rather be talking about something more wholesome, positive and uplifting, like how much I hate puke rock, or punk rock, or whatever they call that crap now (which punk crap, actually, is only one of a million bloodletuously [bleedingly] apparent symptoms of a despicable disease too vile to even mention in the hallowed pages of this website [Satanism!],  a disease that is savagely ravaging the planet at this very moment and, tragically, seems to be gaining the upper hand at this stage of the game. 

VACCINE WARNING 1 (65K) However, it would seem that these vile, disease-bearing satanic villains are starting to encounter some spirited resistance, finally, and Thank God Almighty for that!  Some brave, true-to-their-name Vertebrata (subphylum of chordates possessing a spinal column), some courageous soldiers of God's truth, are standing up to The Devil, Inc. and demanding an explanation, and an accounting, for all of his disease and graphene-spreading, population-culling, soul-degrading protocols.  Hallelujah!!  Praise be to God!  These people are standing up for me, Charles, the Common Man!  The Little Guy!  Charles, that economic non-entity, the financial nobody, the no-bucks fool who has grabbed the world by the balls and made it fork up so much loot that you can actually hear him coming from miles away, cuz of all that small change clinking around in his pockets, yes you have to wonder why these standup heroes would be trying to help a bitterly impoverished scribbler like Charles who, by virtue of his poison pen (and also his big fuggin' mouth) has made more enemies among the illuminous illuminati AND their haplessly misinformed and musically misguided victims (who have been shamelessly led down the toxic road of SS-DG entertainment addiction) than any other outspoken, extremely unpopular (depending on who you're talking to, actually) big-mouthed figure.  Did you follow that last sentence, or was that just too convoluted for your orderly mind to follow, I just asked you why would anyone want to lift a finger, much less a gun, to help people like old motor-mouth in his time of need?  Let me answer that question for you, truthfully, succinctly, and eleemosynarily:  it's because everyone is starting to realize that if you are not a member of The Devil's Club, it doesn't matter how much you differ with someone else's social or political opinions... we are all one. 

That's right, brother!  We're all fellow-victims, you are no better than Charles, and we're all in the same boat now!  And should act accordingly.  You know what they always say, if the Martians came down and attacked us Earthlings, we would all have to stop our bickering and infighting and join forces to blow away the Martian oppressor scum, right?  I mean hey, the Satanists cooperate with each other don't they, and look how far they got with it, they have us all not only sheepishly accepting graphene nanotube, or nanorouter, or nano-razor blade injections, but also sheepishly offering up our children (your children, to be perfectly accurate) for bizarre unknown nano-scale implants, genetic code sequencing donation services (so they can database your genetic information and make "designer" viruses that only kill specific genome types [can you believe these shitz?  {I can't!}]), ritual internal bleeding sacrifices, and who knows what else!  But unfortunately for these satanic maggots, it seems that people are now starting to see the glowing river of molten truth running through that incontrovertibly accurate last sentence of the previous paragraph, so eleemosynarily written by Charles, for your benefit;  yes people, its really true!  The alarm has been sounded, and the warning is being heard!  Its time to stop arguing amongst ourselves, band together, and FIGHT LIKE HELL!  Against The Evil Satanists, woo hoo!

Uh-oh... I think I may have just said something I maybe shouldn't have.  Or should have, but still shouldn't have, actually, seeing as how things are going for Donald Trump (who would seem to be our rightfully elected POTUS in absentia, judging from the sheer volume of evidence that is currently being ignored by the media and all those satanist-appointed district judges) after he said that.  Incredibly, but not surprisingly, the Satanists have launched a legal juggernaut intended to bankrupt Trump and his staunchest supporters on some such trumped-up (heh-heh... uh, sorry) charge of inciting an alleged Capitol "Riot" that many, many credible sources have alleged was a "false flag" operation (a mishap or disaster deliberately orchestrated by satanic forces so they can blame it on their enemy/victims, via the mass media system they control, and then throw everybody into jail or the poorhouse).  The simple truth is that words like "you have to fight like hell for your country" ring true among freedom lovers, and have probably been uttered for as long as there have been freedom fighters.  These three words really cannot be interpreted as meaning "go on down there now, and tear down the Capitol Dome for me!"  To bring a legal action against anyone under such transparently flimsy grounds is not only absurdly frivolous but, in the context of everything else that is happening right now... it is quite simply unbelievable.  But really, at this point, nothing the Satanists do can surprise me; they quite simply don't care about maintaining their credibility.  "Obviously, we don't have to anymore!" is the way they see it.

So here we go!  Another verbal whipping to the no-goodnik swine who, by virtue of the immaculately disgusting product of their conceptions, have gained the world, lost their souls (but are too dumb to realize it just yet), and are rapidly speeding toward a reckoning with their devil/god, who is probably some artificial intelligence scumbag-zombie-cyborg-robot waiting to harvest their wicked consciousnesses, for some repugnant but very profitable reason no doubt, you know it kind of makes you wonder about the inexplicability of existence itself, and how easily some people can dismiss the suggestion that this could all be some kind of test, a hard test of things like a person's conception of truth, justice, morality, integrity, love, mercy, etc., and how well that person can comport (hang with) such austere concepts, if they can even comport at all. 

I'm here to tell you all:  I just don't know about some of these satanic guys, man.  However, as I am in something resembling a good mood tonight, I shall rescue this narrative from the doldrums by providing some heartwarming, uplifting observations on the magnanimosity of the human race as a whole, as a kind of ballast to balance out all this negativity with something a little more positivistic, if you can accept that newly-minted (by Charles) word;  also so you won't get too awfully depressed by this webpage, and this website, in general.

Let me say now, with all due respect and appreciation:  the fact that nobody has shot Charles stone cold dead yet, nobody has sopped up the bloody ground with Charles, no one has yet attempted to "deep-six" (as they say on the street, where things are actual and real) Charles, especially in view of the excusably outraged but nevertheless very ungracious behavior that he's been publicly displaying (under extreme provocation, but still, Charles...) since around the time the "voluntary" vaccination pogrom, oops I meant to say program, began, is very good indeed.  Yes, IN ALL FAIRNESS, this "Charles is Still Alive" fact does speak fairly well for the tolerance and good humor (generally speaking, of course) which runs like a golden thread through the fabric of humanity, brightening up our dreary, dismal lives, making us feel good despite all the dismality, just like some real great movie does!  Uh, actually I meant to say some real old great movie -- that "like a great movie" expression originated way before movies got so dismal and abysmal, you know?  I'm talking about all that netflix-hmo-hulu-vooloo crap that those sick, puffed-up, superlatively evil Satanists like to intravenously poison you unsuspecting victims with (along with their graphene razor blades and routers).  You do know who and what I'm talking about by now, don't you?

Oh no, there I go again!  I'm antagonizing not only the maggots that make untold millions of dollars, not every day but every hour, from their entertainment streaming services... but also the people that pay them those millions every hour!  I just can't stop being counterproductive!  But once again, let me reiterate:  the fact that I am sitting here right now tap, tap, tapping on my computer's keyboard, just happy as a clown to be bringing you still more free info, advice and music(videos) to rock your soul and change your life, advice and stuff that goes against the best wishes of some of our more altruistic pillars of society, those fine upstanding pillars there, guys like ______________, or ___________________, or maybe even "the legend, the GOAT, the iconic _________________" himself, yes, the fact that i, charles, am still alive and able to type these words of truthful but consequential profundity, is a very positive reflection on all of us!  And I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all parties concerned.  Not just the guys that wanna' do me, but every single last gosh-danged one of us!  That's because all are one!

Well, maybe not all of us are one, exactly... some of you guys out there are pretty creepy, really, what with your "just mask, vax and 5G 'em all" attitudes... I mean, to be perfectly honest;  well, I mean, like I said, I don't want to depress anyone but really, some of you people out there are just so... I mean, like, wowza, man, I can't believe some of you!  Oh, I can hear you already, bleating out your belligerant, defiant, "who you talkin' about, Charles?"  with your jutting jaw stuck out, shaking your little clenched and upraised fist in my face while your mean, antagonistic little eyes bore into the trembling fabric of my frightened psyche like a laser beam from hell... you people know who you are already, I don't have to tell you!  And don't think those blank lines in the preceding paragraph up there mean that I'm afraid of anybody;  nothing could be further from the truth.  I just forgot how to spell their names correctly, that's all.

The fact is, the evil SS-DG and SYNTH satanists (see COMBO PAGE for glossary of these terms, and more!) have got me so sputtering mad all the time, that I truly pity the fool that tries to mess with me.  The fact is, Charles is so angry that he now fears no man (or even woman!) whatsoever, and is always ready to discomfit and/or discombobulate (among other strong measures) some offending jackal's evil designs, and/or his jaw, rib cage, abdomen... or maybe even lower  (hey, when in hell do as the hellions do)!  That's right I'm going to discombobulate the f     out of the first sucker that approaches me with hostile intent, from any direction (I got eyes in the back of my head, hidden by voluminous clumps of hair), with any weapon (including those newfangled miniature handheld thermo-nuclear rocket launchers). 

Now, to better illustrate this factuality, let me describe a hypothetical attack situation as it unfolds in my mind's eye:  Ok, I'm strolling casually along down the street, not bothering a soul, just whistling a happy tune, "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head" or something, when all of a sudden I see six, maybe eight large hoodla Dogenberg's goons (228K) (the proper latin pluralization of hoodlum) approaching.  They are wearing some of those neato spiked bracelets and brass knuckles, and some of them are dragging tire irons behind them (these types being too unconscientious to pick up and carry a tire iron properly).  Ok, at this point I am merely giving them a warning with my eyes:  Don't  try it.

Ok, they try it anyway.  Thusly, spurred by necessity into furious action, I rise above it all in typical stylish Charles fashion, leaping six feet into the air while performing an Olympics-worthy pirouette.  BUT, as I am elevating, I am also extending my right leg outwards, at a perfect ninety-degree angle to my body, and, as I still am performing my Olympics-class airborne whirling pirouette, my extended right foot is actually striking and discombobulating the jaws of any hoodla too lethargic to draw back in time!  This deviously clever move always works like a charm for me, when dealing with such vermin; that is why I am so frequently seen employing this move, whenever I find myself beset by such vile antifa hoodla --or any hoodla at all, really.  Charles does not discriminate against people.

BUT!  I have still only succeeded in discomfiting three or four of my assailants thus far, and as I mentioned before, there were around six or eight, maybe ten big hoodla accosting me.  "Stiff odds, Charles!" you say.  True enough... but wait!  I have not yet completed my elevation!  Where others would already be starting to obey the call of gravity and dropping back down to earth, Charles is still climbing upwards on an invisible stairway to the stars, somewhat like Michael "Air" Jordan, the fabulous basketball star used to do.  As I reach the apex of my flight I pause in midair for just a moment, regarding my attackers with a dour expression before beginning my savage descent to the killing floor.  BUT DON'T FORGET!  I am still pirouetting, and have now extended my left leg as well, so... I go back down the same way I went up, whirling, thrashing, just kicking the sh!dt out of everyone's ass, and also, now I am starting to bring my other limbs into play, utilizing thick, formidable, powerfully-muscled arms, as well as hard-knuckled fists of fury, to smack faces, poke eyes, and bloody noses!  Imagine the panicked confusion that comeths over these poor, still standing hoodla scumbaglia as I fall from the sky like a spinning angel of vengeance, screaming like a demented banshee, with whirling legs, arms, and fists of fury pummeling, discomfiting, discombobulating, disarming, and just generally kicking big hoodla ass all over! 

Then, upon completing my landing in a controlled and dignified manner, I straighten up and stare nonchalantly at the few surviving goonla, who are now staring at me with wide open mouths, wondering what I'm going to do to them next.  Maintaining a disciplinary but still somewhat stoical expression, I slowly raise and extend both hands in front of me, then suddenly spread all my fingers out wide.  "BOO!" (translation:  "Be Afraid and Run Away!"), I say.  The not-so-ruffians then immediately depart, in the confused, disorderly, bumbling manner such hoodla always employ whenever they've been routed by a superior force... leaving me standing there, victoriously indulging in a fit of mad, silly giggling (I've been doing that alot lately, for some strange reason).

Now, if you think about the ease with which I disposed of these ten or so hoodla in my mind's eye, and you realize the awesome destructive potential of a fully unleashed, unrestrained Charles, just consider what would happen to these poor saps if I were to encounter, say, only about four or five of them in real life!  Ha!  Mincemeat.  Like I said before... I pity the fools.

Unfortunately, not all of you can be like Charles, and simply go around thrashing evil big goon-pharma antifa assassin-hitmen like they deserve, and I do not advise doing so, unless you're prepared for painful trouble.  We are dealing with people who will mercilessly kill their resisters without blinking an eye... as they are blatantly doing right now, somewhere on the planet.  Yeah, sure, we know that when they croak, they're gonna' be sent somewhere not so nice to be, uh, corrected (in direct proportion to the evil they've done and the souls they've laid to waste)... but really, how much consolation is that when these Godless, bloodthirsty worms kill some noble freedom fighter, maybe somebody you know and admire, or maybe even love, because the Scumbags don't believe in God, or the REAL Satan, or Hell?  And if you're one of those who have lost a child to this Satanic madness, or are worrying yourself to death because you can't keep your child from being injected with microscopic, two-dimensional (one atom thick), indestructable graphene router/razorblades, illegally mandated by hellbound government agents gone insane... I dedicate the following music video to you.

This music video, "Children of God," is a memorial and tribute to the brief life of a young man who, according to everyone I've talked to, was some kind of earthbound angel.  His untimely demise left many hearts broken, including my own, as I never got a chance to meet him as a young man.  I still treasure the moments I got to spend with him as a toddler and young boy, but Satanic forces kept me from spending the time that I should have had with him, and I am extremely angry about it.  In fact, as I look around me and see what those very same Satanic forces are doing to other good people, especially the brave and noble souls that openly oppose them, I find myself getting angrier every day, and this anger supersedes my fear.  I am trying hard to contain this anger, and channel it into more positive avenues.  It is extremely difficult to do so, considering the circumstances, but I am determined not to turn into a hateful monster, like the people who have forced this murderous pandemic and all of its resulting misery on us.  I vow to continue to try hard not to fall to their level of blind hate and indifference.  I know this is all just part of the Test.

Click here to download  Children of God... Beware

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Text Copyright February 2022 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Music video "Children of God... Beware" Copyright February 2022 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Song "Flight Into Silence" written by Charles Adrian Trevino and Eddie Perez, Sound Recording Copyright 1989 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Thanks for your interest in this webpage...    this is